Mode of Payment of Fee
- As per order to Govt. of India no Cash shall be accepted by School
- Parents/ Guardians are at liberty to deposit the maximum amounts of fee if desired by them
- The date of Deposit of Fee will be strictly adhered to Rules prescribed.
- In case the instalment Fee is not deposited as per schedule, the same may be deposited along with a fine of Rs.100 Per Month on non Payment the name of ward will automatically got struct of the rool & the readmission will not be granted.
- Free can be deposit at any Branch of ICICI Bank
- Prescribed Date of Payment & Fee
For April | On or before 15th April |
For May-June | On or before 15th May |
For July-Aug | On or before 15th July |
For Sept-Oct | On or before 15th September |
For Nov-Dec | On or before 15th November |
For Jan,Feb and March | On or before 15th January |