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Affiliation No/Period. 1630595 / 31st March, 2025 

Mobile: 9041284558

Mode of Payment of Fee

  1. As per order to Govt. of India no Cash shall be accepted by School
  2. Parents/ Guardians are at liberty to deposit the maximum amounts of fee if desired by them
  3. The date of Deposit of Fee will be strictly adhered to Rules prescribed.
  4. In case the instalment Fee is not deposited as per schedule, the same may be deposited along with a fine of Rs.100 Per Month on non Payment the name of ward will automatically got struct of the rool & the readmission will not be granted.
  5. Free can be deposit at any Branch of ICICI Bank
  6. Prescribed Date of Payment & Fee


For AprilOn or before 15th April
For May-JuneOn or before 15th May
For July-AugOn or before 15th July
For Sept-OctOn or before 15th September
For Nov-DecOn or before 15th November
For Jan,Feb and MarchOn or before 15th January

Online Payment

Pay Online